Established in 2014, Pushpanjali Hospital has been dedicated to serving humanity. Recently, it underwent an upgrade and now operates as a state-of-the-art multi-specialty hospital in Paschim Vihar, near Peeragrhi Delhi with 50 beds. The hospital is well-known for its exceptional gynecology and orthopedic services, and it also provides specialized care in various fields such as anesthesia, pediatric surgery, ENT, dermatology, dental care, neurology, oncology surgery, urology, and urosurgery. Equipped with modern infrastructure and advanced equipment, the hospital has a team of experienced doctors and trained paramedical staff available round-the-clock. They offer emergency services, and the hospital features a 24×7 ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and surgical support. With both outpatient department (OPD) and inpatient department (IPD) facilities, Pushpanjali Hospital proudly stands as a fully operational and state-of-the-art multi-specialty hospital with 50 beds.