Sriranga Ayurveda Chikitsa Mandira

Healthcare unit of Prakruthi Ayurveda Prathishtana

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Ayurveda in Mysore

 Ayurveda in Mysore

Prakruthi Ayurveda Prathishtana®

ॐ नमामि धन्वन्तरिमादिदॆवं

सुरासुरैर्वंदित पादपद्मम् ।

लॊकॆ जरारुग्भयमृत्युनाशं

दातारमीशं विविधौषधीनाम् ॥

Prakruthi Ayurveda Prathishtana® is a noble venture for the promotion of authentic Ayurveda by means of education, service, and support. This charitable trust came into existence in October 2009, to re-establish Ayurveda for better health of all communities as a preventive, curative and health promotive system of medicine, practiced in India since ancient times. It was established with an aim to promote & preserve the glory of Ayurveda in its true essence.


॥ मृत्यॊर्मा अमृतं गमय ॥

To study, teach, explore, practice, protect, promote and disseminate the knowledge of Ayurveda in its classical form in a most affordable yet updated system and facility to all classes of people in the society.

Our Mission

  • To organize classical Ayurveda learning sessions, discussion forums, CMEs and such other events for Ayurveda students,  professionals and general public.
  • To encourage study of classical Ayurveda in Guru-Shishya pattern and support those disciplines.
  • To conduct and support research in Ayurveda by combining traditional and contemporary methods.
  • To support practice and demonstrate Ayurveda by classical methods.
  • To protect and empower the science of Ayurveda and its allied fields by activities like herb cultivation, conservation of endangered herbs, supportive activities in Yoga, Jyautisha and so on.
  • To conduct and support research in Ayurveda by combining traditional and contemporary methods.
  • Dissemination of our knowledge and findings to the benefit of all.

In order to accomplish the above vision & mission, our trust is working in 3 areas

1) Ayurveda Education
2) Ayurveda Research
3) Ayurveda Health care


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